The Birth of a Noble Mission

In the summer of 1982, the atmosphere at the Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, Belur Math, was charged with inspiration. Over eight hundred young representatives had gathered for the Eastern Region Youth Convention to immerse themselves in the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.

Among these enthusiastic youths was a doctor from North Calcutta, deeply moved by the discourses and readings. This was organized by Swami Smarananadaji Maharaj, the then Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission Sarada Pith.

By the end of the convention, a powerful determination had taken root in their hearts. The message was clear: "Let's start work, now and at once!" But what work? Their guiding principle was simple yet profound: "Service to man as worship to God." They decided that their deity would be the poor and distressed Indians who lived in neglected villages, barely surviving.

These young people, guided by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, resolved to visit remote villages where people lived half-starved and without basic health care. They aimed to serve at least once a week, bringing necessary medicines from Calcutta and educating villagers about health and hygiene.

Why focus on villages? Because even in 1982, eighty percent of India's population lived in rural areas, often in dire conditions. Swamiji's message rang clear: "Go from village to village."


On June 17, 1983, their mission began in earnest. With limited resources but boundless spirit, they started their work in Hooghly district, serving five villages: Mahammapur, Baigati, Tisipi, Raghun, and a center at Gurap. Every Sunday, doctors and volunteers traveled to these villages, providing medical care and support. As the mission progressed, more doctors and young men, inspired by the spirit of selfless service, joined them. The mission expanded, reaching more villages and touching more lives.


The organization brings together doctors and educated youth from urban areas. This collaborative effort between medical professionals and educated volunteers can be highly effective in addressing healthcare and developmental needs.

Geographic Focus

Vivekananda Swasthya Seva Sangha operates in rural West Bengal, which suggests that they are primarily dedicated to serving the needs of this specific region.


The organization's ideals are based on the teachings and principles of Swami Vivekananda. The quote "Service to Man is service to God" reflects the core philosophy that underlies their work. Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Indian spiritual leader and philosopher known for his emphasis on service to humanity.

Areas of Focus

The organization appears to have a multi-pronged approach, focusing on healthcare and socio-economic development. This might include activities such as providing medical care, healthcare awareness campaigns, education and skill-building programs, and initiatives aimed at improving the overall living conditions of rural communities.

Expanding the Reach

By February 1984, a second center had opened in Gangadharpur, near Domjur in Howrah district. A year later, in March 1985, another center was established in Kalabaru, near Canning in South 24-Parganas. These areas were chosen because of their extreme poverty and ignorance, but also because local youths were willing to join hands with the Sangha.

A Meeting of Minds

The dedication of these volunteers did not go unnoticed. Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj of the Ramakrishna Mission, the chief architect of this Sangha, took a personal interest in their work. Under his guidance, a significant meeting was convened at Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, Belur Math, on August 15, 1984. Numerous doctors and young men attended, taking an oath to spread the motto of selfless service.

Seeking Wisdom and Support

It was also decided to seek the advice and help of experienced and senior doctors. Their valuable guidance would be instrumental in furthering the activities of the Sangha. Many reputed doctors joined the mission, bringing their expertise and support.

The Spirit of Selfless Service

The mission, born out of a firm determination and guided by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, continues to thrive. It serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to what can be achieved through selfless service and unwavering dedication. The journey that began in 1982 with a simple yet profound idea has now transformed countless lives, proving that when guided by a noble purpose, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary deeds.

The formation of "VIVEKANANDA SWASTHYA SEVA SANGHA" during a General Meeting in 1984 at the Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha Belur Math, under the guidance of Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj. The mission and motto, "Service to man as worship to God," reflect the spirit of selfless service and devotion to humanity, which aligns with the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.

During this meeting, the Rules and Regulations of the organization's Constitution were adopted, laying the foundation for its governance and operations. Additionally, the first Executive Committee was formed to oversee the activities and initiatives of the Sangha.

Such organizations dedicated to service and inspired by the ideals of great spiritual leaders like Swami Vivekananda play a vital role in making positive contributions to society and uplifting the lives of individuals through selfless service and humanitarian efforts.

The news of this meeting somehow reached the then President of the Ramakrishna Order, Srimat Swami Vireswaranandaji Maharaj, at Belur Math who very kindly and generously called for and met in a discussion with the President and Secretary of the newly formed Committee of the Vivekananda Swasthya Seva Sangha, welcomed the formation of the Sangha and its proposed activities - did much more else for the Vivekananda Swasthya Seva Sangha - unknown to us! And the work moved on and on. . .

Start of the Mission

The service or mission began with limited resources but a strong determination to help others. It was initiated on the 17th of June, 1983.

Initial Focus

Initially, the mission targeted a cluster of villages, including Maharampur, Siptai, and Khanpur. The central location for this mission was Gurap.

Sunday Service

The mission involved providing assistance to the sick, distressed, and needy individuals in these remote villages. This assistance included free medical care provided by doctors and volunteers.

Expansion of Services

As time passed, the mission expanded its services, attracting more doctors and young individuals who were willing to volunteer their time and expertise for this noble cause.

Community Support

The second aspect of the mission was to encourage and enlist the support of willing individuals in the community, fostering a spirit of selfless service and cooperation among them.

Going to the villages

The second Centre started at Gangadharpur with yet other cluster of villages near Domjur in the District of Howrah (West Bengal)in February, 1984, and in March, 1985, a Centre in the village of Kalabaru near Canning in the District of South 24-Parganas (West Bengal) with a cluster of villages around it was started.

The first meeting at Saradapitha

The news of this selfless devotion spread far and at the appropriate time and place, came forward the chief architect of this Sangha - Srimat Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj of the Ramakrishna Order. It was owing to his personal effort and guidance a meeting was convened at the Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, Belur Math on the 15th August, 1984. There, a good number of doctors, both male and female, and young men attended to take the oath to spread the motto of selfless services among doctors and extend its activities far and wide, more and more and enlist more doctors for this devoted work.

Most Revered Swami Vireswarananda ji Maharaj

It was decided further to associate and seek advice and help from experienced and senior doctors. Their valuable advice and co-operation would be of great help to farther the activities of the Sangha. Many reputed and experienced doctors are now already engaged with us.